Always A-HEAD, By being ahead you are always master of time



Monday, November 27, 2006


Yesterday I called my friend in India, but not directly. I called UK number from Singapore and it went to UK which was VOIPed to India. But normal person from India cannot call officially from India to anywhere in the India(Most Important) then world(less important) in the same manner. We are way behind implementing best technologies even though we are expert in Administration and Managing the same for other countries.

What so ever. Reason to write a mail is way beyond this. It is To thank you all for being so much helpful. In this busy-ness of life we often forget to say this simple words, with time changing so fast and giving us less oppotunity to talk face - to face

Sunita: Thank you for being making me understand what is true love.
Sangli(Place in Maharashtra): Thank you for giving me the much need recluse when I needed the most.
Swati: Thank you for being helping me out in getting my first job.
Sharat: Thank you for sharing all your great Experience in UK/Malaysia AnnaLaxmi and so many others stories which are still fresh in My Mind. In way you were preparing me for Singapore. But list doesn't end here.It was fortunes of me to have your company.
Shobha: Thank you for helping out in getting hold of right people in Intricate IBM
Shweta: Thank you for smoothing out Pre-joining process in Microsoft
Sheila: Thank you for smoothing out Pre-joining process in Tesco
Srinidhi: If you where had not refer my name to Srikanth, probably I might never have got a call and had you not ask me to be patient I might be India to receive you at Bangalore airport
Srikanth: If you were not to act always on your words, I would never have felt confident enough to come to Singapore,Above all I simply miss Bangalore
Shanti: For finding me better house in Singapore.
Singapore : Thank you for secure/Friendly and beautiful environment.

Above all Shilpa my wife I can't use more better word THANK YOU GOD

There is certainly a pattern in all above mentioned people(who have had played great role in steering me in right direction), they all start with S. Sharat "S" is actually has brought me where I was destined. However it is not beginning or neither it is End, it is just a occasion where I found a opportunity to THANK YOU ALL on THANKS GIVING DAY. With technology now everything possible but getting support/Guidelines/Help will continue to require effort from all of us.

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