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Always A-HEAD, By being ahead you are always master of time
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Posted by
2:30 PM
Chkdsk runs while running Microsoft Cluster Server Setup
Run the CHKDSK /F Command on a Shared Cluster Disk
Antivirus Software May Cause Problems with Cluster Services
How to Change Quorum Disk Designation
Dynamic Disk Configuration Unavailable for Server Cluster Disks
Troubleshooting Event ID 9, 11, and 15 on Cluster Servers
Enhanced Disk Resource Private Properties Using Cluster Server
How to Extend the Space of Existing Shared Disks with Windows Clustering
How to Migrate Dfs Root Configuration to a Windows 2000 Cluster
How to: Configure Event Log Replication in Windows 2000 Cluster Servers
Cannot Place Swap File on a Windows NT Cluster Shared Disk
Considerations when you create clustered file shares on a Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 server cluster
MSCS/Cluster Does Not Form with Error Messages 170 and 5086
How to Properly Restore Cluster Information
Security Considerations When Implementing Clustered File Shares
Implementing Home Folders on a Server Cluster
MSCS printer shares may not come online if quorum log is too small
How to set the startup value for a resource on a clustered server
Reparse Point Support in Windows 2000-Based Clusters
Some Cluster Server File Share Resources Are Not Available
Cluster Administrator Switches for Connecting to a Cluster
How to Configure Disk Quotas for a Shared Disk in a Cluster
Windows Clustering and Geographically Separate Sites
No Global Groups Are Available Creating File-Share Resource Permissions in Cluster Administrator
The Cluster Internet Protocol Address May Not Come Online After the Quorum Disk Is Corrupted
How to Create a Server Cluster File Share with Cluster.exe
Multiple-Path Software May Cause Disk Signature to Change
Recovering from a Lost or Corrupted Quorum Log
Microsoft Cluster Server May Not Share Folders Automatically
Enhanced Disk Resource Private Properties Using Cluster Server
Microsoft Cluster Service Installation Resources
Windows Server 2003
The Features of the Local Quorum Resource on Windows Server 2003 Cluster
Server Clusters Do Not Support GPT Shared Disks
Recovering from a Lost or Corrupted Quorum Log
Dynamic vs. Basic Storage in Windows 2000
Clustering Cannot Determine If a Shared Disk Is Working Properly
Best Practices for NTFS Compression
Error 3 When Creating a File Share on a Cluster with the Application Wizard
How to Troubleshoot Printing Issues on a Windows Server 2003 Cluster
Cluster Service improvements for Storage Area Networks (SANs)
Support for Multiple Clusters Attached to the Same SAN Device
A Removed Disk Can Have Its Corresponding Cluster Resource Started
Cannot Use 32-Bit Resources on a 64-Bit Server Cluster
Best Practices for Drive-Letter Assignments on a Server Cluster
How to Configure Volume Mount Points on a Clustered Server
How to Configure Windows Clustering Groups for Hot Spare Support
How to Use DFS on Server Cluster to Maintain a Single Namespace
Cluster Service Does Not Remove File Share Entries from LANMANSRVR
How to Extend the Partition of a Cluster Shared Disk
Adding support for more than eight LUNs in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000
Support for Booting from a Storage Area Network (SAN)
1LooksAlive is a cursory status check that runs every 5 seconds (default). This routine simply checks that the disk status is not marked failed. LooksAlive is a cursory status check that runs every 5 seconds (default). This routine simply checks that the disk status is not marked failed. IsAlive is a more thorough check and occurs every 60 seconds (default). This routine checks that the disk status is not marked failed. If status is not failed, then FindFirstFile runs on the root of the disk to make sure the file system is still mounted and the disk is accessible
Posted by
11:17 AM
There are people who knows why it happens, there are people who explain how to make it happen and there are people who use the above two concept for their own customization.
Suppose one day your manager asks to get over to the role of Active directory team lead. First question that comes to mind, is there any AD Infra documentation about it, In most case it is not. But with powershell by your side, it is simple to get these details. Lets start with Forest
write-host ""
Write-Host "Forest Mode :" $forest.Get_forestmode()
write-host ""
$forest.SchemaRoleOwner | select Name,Domain,IPAddress,sitename,OSVersion
if($forest.SchemaRoleOwner.IsGlobalCatalog()) {write-host $ is GC}
write-host ""
$forest.namingRoleOwner | select Name,Domain,IPAddress,sitename,OSVersion
if($forest.namingRoleOwner.IsGlobalCatalog()) {write-host $ is GC}
write-host ""
$forest.Sites | %{$,$_.location}
Write-host "Number of sites "$forest.Sites.Count
#Global Catalogs
Write-host Number of GC : $forest.FindAllGlobalCatalogs().count
write-host ""
Write-Host "ALL GC'S NAME"
$forest.FindAllGlobalCatalogs() | %{$}
Forest Mode : Windows2000Forest
Name :
Domain :
IPAddress :
SiteName : Default-First-Site-Name
OSVersion : Windows Server 2003 is GC
Name :
Domain :
IPAddress :
SiteName : Default-First-Site-Name
OSVersion : Windows Server 2003 is GC
Number of sites 1
Number of GC : 1
Write-host Domain_Name: $
write-host Forest_Name : $
write-host Domain_Mode: $domain.DomainMode
Write-Host (""*25 + "Domain Controllers" + ""*25)
Write-Host Number of DC : $domain.DomainControllers.Count
Write-Host Domain controllers details:->
$domain.DomainControllers | %{$,$_.IPAddress,$_.sitename,$_.osversion}
write-host ("-"*60)
Write-Host "Infrastructure Master Role :"
$domain.InfrastructureRoleOwner | fl Name,OSVersion,IPAddress,Sitename
if($domain.InfrastructureRoleOwner.IsGlobalCatalog()) {write-host $ is Global Catalog}
write-host (""*60)
Write-Host "PDC Master Role :"
$domain.pdcRoleOwner | fl Name,OSVersion,IPAddress,Sitename
if($domain.PDCRoleOwner.IsGlobalCatalog()) {write-host $ is Global Catalog}
write-host (""*60)
Write-Host "RID Master Role :"
$domain.ridRoleOwner | fl Name,OSVersion,IPAddress,Sitename
if($domain.ridRoleOwner.IsGlobalCatalog()) {write-host $ is Global Catalog}
Forest_Name :
Domain_Mode: Windows2000NativeDomain
Domain Controllers
Number of DC : 1
Domain controllers details:->
Windows Server 2003
Infrastructure Master Role :
Name :
OSVersion : Windows Server 2003
IPAddress :
SiteName : Default-First-Site-Name is Global Catalog
PDC Master Role :
Name :
OSVersion : Windows Server 2003
IPAddress :
SiteName : Default-First-Site-Name is Global Catalog
RID Master Role :
Name :
OSVersion : Windows Server 2003
IPAddress :
SiteName : Default-First-Site-Name is Global Catalog
That's all for this post. It is simple idea what you can idea from CMDlets without even going through all places collecting and documenting this information. SInce my test machine doesn't include multiple domains, I can really get hold of better formatting.
Posted by
1:02 PM
I truly believe in learning new things and try out new things. Even there could be more than one way of doing it, it makes me crazy to put old things in new way, because you never new that it could be done in this way.
$file=new-item -type file "$Cusdate-freedisk.txt"
get-content "E:\PowerShell\Outputfiles&Folders\servers.txt" | % {
if((get-wmiobject win32_pingstatus -Filter "address='$_'").protocoladdress) {
$wmiObj=gwmi win32_logicaldisk -filter "deviceid='c:'" -computer $_
$freesp="{0:N02}" -f ($wmiObj.freespace/1MB)
$Totalsp="{0:N02}" -f ($wmiObj.size/1MB)
add-content $file "Total Size on C Drive of $_ : $Totalsp (MB)"
add-content $file "Free Size on C Drive of $_ : $Freesp (MB)"
else {
write-host $_ is not reachable -foreground "RED"
$Doubleline = ("="* 60)
add-content $file $Doubleline
add-content $file "$_ is not reachable"
Above link is where the original code and Idea resides. I've modified it little but to look more like PowerShell.
Output is:
New things learnt:
$Cusdate=(get-date).tostring("ddMMyyyy") you can customize the date format.
Below is single line which will check if server is online, cause it makes sense before you do anything on the server, to make sure it is live.
if((get-wmiobject win32_pingstatus -Filter "address='$_'").protocoladdress) this will return true if server is live.
Posted by
2:26 PM
Labels: DiskSize, PowerShell
Managing groups in Active Directory with Powershell
Let's do something with groups in Active directory, I have couple of users and one group under OU named Singapore. My intention here is to modify only user accounts and not group so I have condition them with SamAccountType.
$SNGOU=new-object directoryservices.directoryentry("LDAP://ou=singapore,DC=zarays,dc=com") # Let's connect to OU name Singapore
$UserObject=$sngou.psbase.Children # Lets get the object under OU
foreach($user in $userobject) {
if ($user.sAMAccountType -eq 805306368) { # we want to just update user object and not group object
$user.put("Description","Storage Admins") # We change the description to Storage Admins
$user.setinfo() # Commit changes
Let's create a group in Singapore OU :
$SNGOU=new-object directoryservices.directoryentry("ldap://ou=singapore,DC=zarays,dc=com/") # Let's connect to OU name Singapore
Group is created. Now lets add member to this group. Assuming there are several users in OU, we will only add user whose department is Provisioning. But before I go to the code, I would like to share something with you. You won't see member property if you do
$Grp | gm
or $grp.member
cause there is nothing to display but moment you add user, the next moment you do
$grp | gm
you will see member property.
If you are as beginner like me & would like to know the property, simplest way is to use google. After searching 4 hours I got to know Oh what is happening. And similiarly there is attribute called managedby, it is also having same story. There might be many.
Let's get to adding members to the group. Remember one thing if your CN name has space you will have to use quotes [$grp.member.add("$DN")].
Also you need a distinguished name in order to add it to any particular group, which is quite logical cause it confirms user object is present and where is it.
$Grp=new-object directoryservices.directoryentry("LDAP://cn=storageadmins,ou=singapore,dc=zarays,dc=com") # GRP -Connection
$SNGOU=new-object directoryservices.directoryentry("LDAP://ou=singapore,DC=zarays,dc=com") #OU -Connection
$UserObject=$sngou.psbase.Children # Populate childs in OU
foreach($user in $userobject) {
$DN=$user.distinguishedName # Get there distinguished name
if ($user.department -eq "Provisioning") {
$grp.member.add("$DN") #Add them to group
$grp.setinfo() # Commit changes
There is very good post available on, I liked it very much for adding members to the group.
Again there is very very stuff on internet but this cooked by me and I always like to eat that way. And my experience hopefully will help you all.
Posted by
11:34 PM
Yesterday there was question in KBC , English version[Original] Who wants to be Millionaire, how many 9's are there from 1 to 100. Before they could answer I answered it quickly with Powershell. This is how
(1..100 where{$_ -like "*9*}).count
Posted by
12:36 PM
Labels: PowerShell
When we think of making any changes in AD, we must start at creating objects. And as always first thing that comes to Mind is to create multiple users. And again here reference are same as previous one's MOW and Arulk. MOW's concept is used but methods I have to use from Arulk, cause things work.
Usually you get a excel sheet from the HR etc dept, I would always convert it into CSV since PowerShell will do the magic for me.
Contents of CSV file [Busers.csv]
Below are the headers of the CSV file and you can fill in the data.
I've shared the CSV file using google docs. Click Here
I'm going to create bulk users in India OU, which is under Zarays' OU
# Connecting to India OU
$UserDetails=Import-Csv "Buser.csv" #-----importing bulkusers data
foreach($UD in $UserDetails) { #--------looping into csv file and
# Passing all data into variables
$Indiauser=$IndiaOU.create("user","cn=$cn") #I created actual user here and later I'm
#filling all properties for user
$Indiauser.setinfo() #All data committed. There are lots of other properties you can
Below here I'm doing two things, First is enable the user and second set password. Because for some reason I'm not able to get these two things done in above loop. It throws exception. But I'm sure it can be included.
$IndiaOU=new-object directoryservices.directoryentry("LDAP://ou=India,dc=zarays,dc=com")
$UserDetails=Import-Csv "Buser.csv"
foreach($UD in $UserDetails) {
Last and least, I'm sure there much better CMDlets to do this job, but what makes me proud it that I've created this script and I understand it very well. As compare to those VBScript scripts available on the net, I can use it but can't customize it. Thanks GOD there is PowerShell Team of Blogs.
UPDATED :Please check comment where you will see the reason Why code has been updated.
Marc !! Bingo here it goes..the way it should work.
$IndiaOU=[ADSI]"LDAP://localhost:389/ou=Singapore,dc=zarays,dc=com"$UserDetails=Import-Csv "latestusers.csv"
foreach($UD in $UserDetails) {
Posted by
10:52 PM