Always A-HEAD, By being ahead you are always master of time



Saturday, December 30, 2006

Review Year 2006

Review Year 2006

Year 2006, has been far far different than I can put in words. I certainly have experienced it in much different manner than I can imagine. January 2006 I have been to London Via Texaco. It was certainly great opportunity, to understand culture of UK. I liked the fact, people respect each other so much. I have certainly gone down and shared that experience with my friend. Lot of them really liked it. More I say of UK it will be less. But difficult circumstances lead me to leave Texaco, and I joined Sussee,Singapore. Culture of Singapore is so much different than UK. Two totally different countries. These experience goes far beyond in understanding not only culture but also working style,Architechure of city, Construction, Innovation and above all collating all this information, to do similar things in India at whatever level you can.I'm thankful to GOD and all other people who have helped me out time and when I needed them, to reach such places.

On career front, I've learnt VB Script, the fact that I felt need within myself to learn, has paid me a lot. Understanding of VB Script has not only increased my domain knowledge but also gave me edge over all other Admins. It was like one day I went to Shop and got the Book for 350 Rs (I'm surprised because I thought it was costly), Started learning from the Book daily. And what ...I made a daily schedule and started moving towards achieving the goal of finishing it in 3 months Flat. I did it. And during this journey I experienced how powerful,confident you feel when you are about to reach towards your goal. Joyful and pleasant to catch in lucid words. Multiple goal has potential to give this Kind of Happiness.

All those planning,daily schedules got inspired by Robin Sharma's book Monk who .....Great Book. As we all know if you understanding (learn)something and you don't implement it, then you have not understood. Based on this experience I've decided to come up on number of books I should be reading in year 2007. I feel proud to apply the same VB Script knowledge to make Admin life easier in previous and current Organizations. When power shell got released, it was like dream came true, Because my knowledge of VB Script has cultivated my Mind, which obviously saw advantage of PowerShell. As result I have come up with Idea of Blog. Techstarts has great ideas I had: To utilize power of shell.

Financially year 2006 more or less can compete with BSE Index growth,India. Next year's goal is to leverage on it.

Purchases: Laptop was major and most beneficial.

Trips: Ooty,Kodai Kanal,Mysore

Books Read: Cracking the Code of Millionaire;Monk who sold his Ferrari;Timeless Wisdom;The Man eater of Malgudi;The One Minute Manager;Adventures_of_Sherlock_Holmes.

Relations:This is the front, I have continued to be at lost, Because every time I change my serving point, I lost all relations which has been built in that organization. This is deeply felt by me.Every time I think of it, Blame game starts in my Mind.

I wanted to keep review as small as possible, since I don't think everyone would love to read this. I'm currently reading 8th Habit of highly effective people, inspired by one of the chapters I decided to share few things with you.Since we all know "Knowledge is a power which continues to grow unless you share it." These events were certainly not planned but had I planned I can't say anymore how much effectively year 2006 would've been utilized.

But I certainly take this as starting point and this is the place I always consider as base point. From where I would continue to accelerate in forward direction. I would suggest you all to start something like this, so your planning for entire year would start for 2007.

For example:

  1. How many books you are going to read this year
  2. How many days you are planning vacation this year
  3. How much you plan to save this year
  4. Where you want to be at the end of the year

Below mentioned article inspired me to review 2006 in my about you?.........

Please feel free to comment. I would certainly look forward at least ONE.

Happy New Year 2007

So, this holiday season, I respectfully suggest that you take the time to review 2006. Find a sacred space, grab your journal and write down your answers to the following questions. First, write the story of the year. Describe how 2006 went for you in as much detail as possible. Open your journal and describe the year that just happened. What were your successes? Your disappointments? What experiences were breathtakingly great? Try to recall each month or season and describe all aspects of your life. Your career, your finances, your relationships, your health, your contribution. Yes, I know that this will take some time. However, leadership is about doing the right things not the easy things.

Second, look at your goal sheets, schedule and journal from the year. How did you do on your goals? Give yourself a mark for each of your goals. If you committed to running a faster 10k and you did then give yourself a ten out of ten. If you aimed to read 50 books and only read 40 then give yourself and 8 out of 10. After reviewing your performance (big idea: all great companies and leaders look at their past performance) look for patterns. Did you excel and business but let your health slide? Did you let disappointments get in the way? Did you make the necessary mid-course corrections when circumstances changed? Reflect on your decisions. How did you perform as a decision maker? Did later events confirm your assumptions? Did you act too quickly or not quickly enough?

- Robin Sharma

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