Always A-HEAD, By being ahead you are always master of time



Monday, January 01, 2007

Schedule reboot with PowerShell


$MachineName=read-host "Please Enter Machine Name you wish to reboot :"

$When=read-host "Please enter time when you wish to reboot the server Later THAN ($now) :"


#write-host $Results Results


#Write-host $time2act is time2act


$Sec2Act= $action.totalseconds

$totalsecs="{0:N0}" -f $Sec2Act


write-host $testint

if($results -le 0)
write-host "done"
Write-host $MachineName "will Reboot in next " $SecINint Seconds
shutdown -s -m $machineName -t $SecINint
else {
write-host "Time entered has already past,please enter time later than " [$now] -Background "RED"

Due you remember days when you have to apply patches on 1000 servers in phased manner. But in this scenario servers are not rebooted, they are rebooted only when customer/client gives downtime. Such scenario needs a schedule reboot for the server. But what happens when each client gives different reboot time. I thought lets write something on similiar lines, where in we can schedule a reboot of the server as per client's requirement. Above is just the logic, but the script requires few more additions. First is we need to read content of server name, time it is schedule to reboot, which is easily possible to read from text file. And certainly this is small step towards automation.

Here I was able to use shutdown.exe command without invoking, which I like the most, which was not possible to do with VBScript. If you run this command you would get computer name prompt, time to enter in specific format and that it. I have tested the script. But I think it will require little more finishing.

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